Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Refresh old dev with new prod data in crm 2011 - Convert Managed solution to unmanaged

The thought for this post came from my own experience. I have been developing for about a year and we went live and my development does not have sufficient data to test. The data connection tool from MS CRM is not that helpful for me. So I decided to build my own dev from prod

1. Take a backup of the prod database
2. Create a second dev database
3. Restore the prod database into Dev
4. Update the database to remove the publisher readonly flag and solution managed flag.
5. Import unmanaged solution from dev to overwrite the solution in new dev

Restoring prod database into dev

Completed successfully

Change the org id. use the attached sql file.

Use SQL to remove the read only property on publisher of your solution and set is managed to false

Done :)

Happy CRMing

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

PDQs with me and my Team members

Ever wondered how the Siebel team views are solved. Using the generate reporting relationship it creates a de-normalized table with all the reporting relationships and use this as a based to perform a query. Similar to siebel, we can do a dynamic search in CRM 2011 to perform a me and my team members query.

PDQ with team members

As you can see in the query above, you can filter first based on current users team. For this you start with normal search spec and then select the owning user entity and then it's team and set the "Is standard" option to false and select its users entity and set the user like current user.
1. Owning user
2. Team - Set "Is standard" to No
3. Users - User like "current user"

Note:. This is a performance instensive query. Use with caution.

For Manager views, use the below query
1. Owning user
2. Team - Manager like current user

Note: This is a manager only view. Comparitively the performance is great with this query.